Heart of the Home 2011 Wall Calendar

Category: Books,Calendars,Arts

Heart of the Home 2011 Wall Calendar Details

This calendar features original artwork by Susan Branch accompanied by inspirational thoughts and quotes in her trademark hand-written style. This best selling calendar will warm the heart, comfort the soul, and bring smiles to the whole family.


Nothing says "home" in my kitchen like Susan Branch's calendars. Like a good potato chip, it's hard to have just one -- buying multiple copies for gifts is a just a given for me, as it probably is for so many of her other fans. Susan's creativity touches not only my heart, but my friends' as well. We love to read over each month's quips and quotes. In a way, it's like us sharing a couple cups of coffee with the artist!Thanks, Susan, for giving from your heart...can't wait to see next year's edition!

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